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Sesame snap Crème Brûlée

Silky smooth creamy sesame custard with a crisp sesame crunch topping.

If you love those sweet little sesame wafers you’re going to be addicted to this pud!

Contrary to popular misconception Crème brûlée is actually really easy to make, just takes a little patience stirring. A really great dinner party dessert that can be made in advance, simply add the crunchy topping when you’re ready to serve up.

Makes 4 ramekins


4 free range egg yolks. I use Clarence Court for their fabulous orange rich yolks.

50g caster sugar

300 ml double cream

2 tbsp Tahini

1 tbsp sesame oil

Sesame sugar topping

3 tbsp caster sugar

2 tbsp sesame seeds

Here’s how…..

Add cream, tahini and sesame oil to a saucepan mix well with a balloon whisk and heat until hot but not boiling.

In a separate bowl add yolks and sugar and whisk.

Add cream in a steady dribble to yolks while whisking well.

Transfer mixture back into the saucepan over a medium to low heat and continue to whisk thoroughly for around 10 minutes until you have a thickened custard.

The whisk should leave ‘ribbon trails’ when lifted.

Transfer mixture between 4 ramekins, allow to cool then refrigerate for at least 4 hrs before adding topping.

When you’re ready to serve sprinkle the top of each ramekin with sesame seeds then top with a thin layer of caster sugar.

You can either use a kitchen blow torch to caramelise the sugar or place under a preheated scorching hot grill for a couple of minutes. Be careful, the sugar will burn very quickly if left unattended. You’re aiming for nut brown in colour. Anything over and they will taste quite bitter.

Serve immediately with a few berries and a piece of shortbread for dipping!

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