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Fideuá Negra with allioli verde.

If you love a paella and love noodles but you're short on time, then this is the dish for you.

Striking looking with the inclusion of squid ink, and packed with seafood its pure flavour town!

I’ve served it with a vibrant creamy allioli, and fresh lemon wedges.

I promise you’re going to love it.

Some of the ingredients here can be a little hard to come by in your local supermarket, so I’ve added handy links to a fantastic UK artisan Spanish food supplier The gourmet market who has always served me well. There's even a 10% discount code (because we're good like that!)

Allioli verde ingredients

2 large egg yolks

100ml sunflower oil

50ml olive oil

2 fat garlic cloves

1 small bunch flat leaf parsley

1 small bunch basil

Juice from ½ a lemon

Pinch of sea salt

Method for allioli verde

First add salt, garlic cloves, herbs and the juice of ½ a lemon to a food processor whizz until smooth and bright green!

Now add yolks and pulse until well mixed.

Now add both oils to a jug and with the processor on a medium speed, drizzle oil in a slow steady stream. You will see the mixture start to resemble a mayonnaise like texture.

Once you have your desired texture spoon into a serving dish and refrigerate ready for use.

*please note this dish contains raw eggs. Pasteurised yolks may be used.

Ingredients for fideuá

300g fideuá noodles (or spaghetti cut into 3cm pieces) available at The Gourmet Market

4 large tomatoes grated or finely chopped

1 onion grated

1 red pepper cut into fine strips

1 heaped tsp smoked paprika

50g chorizo chopped finely

3 grated garlic cloves

500ml paella stock (fish stock) available at The gourmet market

2 small cooked octopus legs chopped into bite-sized pieces. available at The gourmet market

Baby squid cooked in squid ink available at The gourmet market

8 large shell on prawns or langoustines available at The gourmet market

1 large lemon

Method for fideuà

Separate the baby squid from the squid ink (this bit is a bit messy) inside the cavities of the squid are the tentacles, chop the cavities into bite sized pieces and set aside with the tentacles.

Reserve the squid ink and warm through for a couple of minutes in the microwave.

This is the bit that looks like it’s not going to work…. I promise it does!

It will go from being gelatinous and grainy to a silky black inky stock.

Start by frying onions, garlic and peppers gently in olive oil until softened, add grated tomato and smoked paprika and cook until the liquid has evaporated. This is called sofrito.

Add the baby squid and tentacles to the sofrito, along with the chopped octopus leg.

In a separate hot pan add a drizzle of olive oil and toast your noodles for a few minutes until you hear a little cracking and they are glossy and hot.

Add noodles to paella pan with sofrito and fish and stir.

Add stock and black reserved ink. Stir in well, then arrange large prawns on the top (paella style)

Now turn down the heat to the lowest it will go and cook for around 15 minutes,

Your noodles will start to curl up on the top and will be tender when ready.

When your noodles are cooked place a piece of tinfoil over and a tea towel on the top and allow to rest for 5-10 minutes to soak up all the juices.

Serve with crusty baguettes, fresh lemon wedges and allioli verde.

To receive 10% discount on your shopping with The Gourmet market

use discount code: COOKMAKEBAKE

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